The Financial Lean Six Sigma Engineer provides the best practices of Lean Six Sigma to the world's leading businesses, organizations and institutions, helping them to improve Performance and achieve Sustainable Excellence.

Mergers & Acquisitions

  0008 Mergers Acquisitions

We help CFO to prepare the Due Diligence overview, aligning insights, Accounting, Finance Operation and Information Technology and complete a Fast-Cycle Analysis of Operations Opportunities (within two weeks). You will understand the real potential of the company you want to buy, beyond the financial statement vision.

After the new company acquisition we follow up with the execution and sustaining phase, through the use of Lean Six Sigma Self-Funding transformation model. A 100-day plan focused on productivity, quality and time: the key performance indicators (KPI) help cutting waste and unnecessary costs to completely change the company’s operating system.

Key topics we use to invest in a company’s performance:

Top Down: Increased Competitiveness and Profitability

Reduce Costs: Redundant steps, duplication; faster processes

Accelerate Revenue: Improve Sales Efficacy, Customer Experience and Capital Control; Minimize Risk

Bottoms Up: Process Thinking (Lean Six Sigma & Operational Excellence)

Some of our Lean Assessment solutions are presented below:

  • Redefining the pricing model to successfully meet the most demanding clients
  • Competitive positioning: clearly differentiated on the market.
  • Unique approach to sales through professional services
  • Corporate implementation model focused on quick results and ROI

Download Lean Assessment brochure here. pdf